A full list of Special Events and Regular Activities is listed below.
Special Events

'2024 at the hall'
coffee morning
and AGM
Saturday 15th February
Coffee Morning 10:00 – 11:45
AGM 11:45 – 12:30
Come and join us for a coffee morning and celebration of the last year’s events and activities at Ellingham Village Hall.
Let us know what you’ve liked best, what you’d like to see more (or less) of, and find out how you can get involved with your village hall.
The coffee morning will be followed by the EVH AGM.
Please join us. Everyone welcome – your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

coffee morning
Saturday 15th March
Coffee Morning 10:00 – 12 noon
Come and join us for our regular monthly coffee morning. Meet friends old and new, enjoy a catch up and a cake. Everyone welcome.
2025 Coffee Morning dates: April 19th + Dyed Egg Competition, May 17th, June 14th, July 12th, August 9th, September 13th, time TBC, will be an Afternoon Tea alongside Leek Club Show, October 18th, November 15th + Food Bank and Toy Appeal donations.

easter coffee morning
Saturday 19th April
Coffee Morning 10:00 – 12 noon
Come and join us for our Easter coffee morning.
Enter the Dyed Egg competition – using natural dyes only.
More details to follow – watch this space.
Everyone welcome.

midsummer bbq
Saturday 28th June
17:00 – 22:00
Come and join us for the Ellingham Village Midsummer BBQ.
Put the date in your diary – details to follow.
Everyone welcome.

grand rummage sale
Saturday 23rd August
10:00 – 14:00
The Grand Rummage Sale is back!
Bargains galore and special deals in the last hour. We are looking for donations of unwanted items so please don’t throw anything away! Sorry no furniture, CDs or DVDs. More details to follow.
Regular Activities

Mondays 16:00 – 18:00
Great exercise and competitive fun with no age limit.
Contact Gustav Macleod on 07896 595082

First Tuesday of the month 13:30 – 15:30
Enjoy an afternoon in good company sharing our love of creativity. There is a wide range of projects from knitting socks and squares to embroidery and patchworking. Come and share tips, enjoy some cake, have a cuppa and a chat. Just come along – no need to book.

Fourth Tuesday of the month 13:30 – 16:30
No experience or artistic talent is required, just come and have a go.
Cost includes art materials and tea or coffee.
Call Ian Stephenson on 07740 638733 for details.

Wednesdays 18:00 – 19:00
Join us no matter what your age or level of experience. It’s a fun way to keep fit.
Contact Traci 07415 254647